I stared the day by applying 5 bandaids to my cracked and sore hands, then took a couple of Aleve to help ignore them.

My goal today is to get all this painted and up…

James showed up with the boys and were a huge help today. Along with Chris they put these things up high on the Ollivanders wall.

I managed to get the scissors done before help showed up.

Another long day today and even more help! I love my circle of friends, I love my community, this is an amazing outpouring of help and support.
Bill with more junk from his backyard that was perfect!

He got to finishing up the roof lines today as well.

Michael and Zoe were back and brought their friend Preston. Together they rocked more bricks and we ended up getting it all painted. The kids that showed up painted all the bricks after the base paint was on.

Q13 Fox crew showed up today to shoot and interview. Avery loved it but Haley and Jennifer not so much.

Yesterday April Parrish went home and said she was making all the vinyl lettering for the shops that I was planning on hand painting today. Thank goodness she took over because I wouldn’t have got them done, no way no how. Her and her family showed up late with a box full of goodies and they are freaking perfect!

I capped the day off by getting back to some of the 3d printed effects. I can’t wait to put up the Golden Snitch, it turned out perfect! The wings are 3d printed in NinjaFlex so they are flexible and will flap in the wind a bit.