Today is the Whittier Elementary annual fall carnival, so around 5pm we are going to crack open some beers and take a well deserved break. But first, lets get to work!
Wade Ambrose reported for duty today and tackled the remaining items to be painted on Ollivanders.

Wade hit Quality Quittich Supply as well.

Mike Walker dropped the rest of the brackets by today and OMG, these things are amazing. His attention to detail and the curves are brilliant. The funny thing is, he never did this kind of bending before this week and went out and bought a bender specifically for this project. This dude is uber talented!

I was able to finish up the Madam Malkin’s detail piece last night, and got it up today along with the door trim.

Nate dropped the corbels by today, so I put a couple together, sanded, up and ready for paint.

Time to enjoy some beverages and pose for photos.