Busy day today!
Today was more trim on some of the shops. Finished up the Ollivanders door trim.

Put up some trim around the Quality Quittich Supply windows.

Went over to Bill’s yard today and grabbed these downspouts that were perfect for Ollivanders. The bottom section was already bent and no modification was needed.

Tim came by today to help out, so I put him to work on the door steps and shop trim. Before he got started I need to draw out some plans on each of the shops he was working on so that I could get down what was in my head so he could have something to go on.

I finished up the Eeylops trim today and Haley got started on paint first thing when she got home from school. We have all been giddy with anticipation to start seeing paint go on.

Bill worked on the sky bridge roof today and that added a lot to the sight line down the alley.
Mike stopped by today to talk about metal sign brackets. He is excited to make some for the project and is going to get started right off, so stoked!
Kurt from Geekwire stopped by this afternoon and dug the project. He is going to come back later in the week for an official interview and some photos.