@KING5Evening full episode from #diagonalleyproject is online.
A successful weekend event!
The Dumbledore Santa event was a huge success! We raised $7300 for Pancreatic Cancer Research, bringing our total since we opened on Halloween to $16,300.
The girls and their friends sold $3000 in Butter Beer and hot chocolate. Part of that is going to there Nature Bridge 5th grade end of the year field trip, some to paying back their parents for supplies and a little bit for each of them to do with what they want.
An estimated 5000 visitors came to the alley this weekend including nearly 60 volunteers to help with the event.
The pictures taken at the event can be found at facebook.com/diagonalleyprojectseattle/.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful weekend!
The Chambers family
Press Release: Dumbledore Santa Event
RE: Dumbledore Santa Event Dec 2-3, 2017
The Dumbledore Santa event this weekend is shaping up to be very magical. Holiday decorations are up and the alley is looking very festive!
Here are some of the particulars:
Dumbledore Santa is a 30 year small theatre pro.
Nearly 30 Wizards showing up at various times over the weekend to entertain guests.
Including: Sirius Black, Professor McGonagall, Doby, Hagrid and Hermione and more!!
Dumbledore and Wizards will be in the alley from 1-6pm Sat & Sun.
GRINGOTTS DRAGON: Volunteer Artist, Frank Carillo loaded up the dragon last night and is leaving Pamona, CA this morning. The dragon is going up on the Gringotts dome as soon as he gets here.
Both Gringotts and The Leaky Cauldron kids playhouses are making their grand opening this weekend.
The Chambers girls and their friends are selling Harry Potter themed sugar cookies, peppermint hot cocoa and Butter Beer from the newly completed Leaky Cauldron.
- 180 gallons of fake snow that I will be covering the alley with.
- We estimate 9-10k people have visited the alley since Halloween
- We have submitted $8400 to the PurpleStride site under the name The Wizards of Diagon Alley thus far.
We are expecting massive crowds and lines, so dress warm and be merry! (Like Halloween, we will be cycling people through around scansions. We will have helpers on site for crowd control.)
All donations taken at the door will go to Pancreatic Cancer Research.
EVENT: Dumbledore Santa, Dec 2nd and 3rd!
As seen in the Daily Prophet report this morning, Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore will be making a rare appearance in Diagon Alley on December 2nd and 3rd. During those days the alley is open all day, however Dumbledore will only be available from 1pm until 6pm.
Also, this just in from the Daily Prophet weather department, snow is in the forecast!
Come prepared, lines could be up to 30-60 minutes to get through Ministry security, so dress warm. Wands are ok the Ministry says, but they say keep your 4 legged magical beasts at home please. Muggles welcome for this event only!
Stay tuned, more details to come shortly!
Calling all Witches and Wizards!
Do you have an amazing costume from the Harry Potter world, and love getting into its character? I am looking for a select few to accompany Professors Dumbledore and Trelawney on December 2nd and 3rd for a magical weekend event, pictures with Dumbledore Santa. All proceeds from this event will go to Pancreatic Cancer Research.
I hear snow is forecasted for that weekend in Diagon Alley and the setting will be truly magical.
So please contact me if you are interested in entertaining a couple thousand guests for a good cause on that weekend. You can send pictures and/or video of you in costume to me at jonchambers dot com, or just a message saying your interested and what character you like getting into.
Gringotts 2-story Playhouse
I am beginning construction today on a 2-story children’s playhouse in the likeness of Gringotts bank. This playhouse will be auctioned off at the Whittier Elementary PTA auction in April 2018.
The top of this structure will feature a dragon by artist Frank Carrillo.
Holiday Events coming!
Stay tuned here for information about some fun holiday events in the #diagonalleyproject to raise funds for Pancreatic Cancer Research. One such event will feature Dumbeldore Santa!
Diagon Alley Project – Halloween!
Today is the day and we are nearly ready.

First things first, I need to make all the shop signs. No worries though, I have some old cabinet doors that will do the trick. Just need to cut a custom one for Ollivanders and we are good go go.

Time to revel in what we have created, together.

We had nearly 2700 visitors tonight. Success.

Diagon Alley Project – Day 17
Today was adding a lot of finishing touches, detail painting and interviews. Oh, and it was my Birthday, best birthday ever really.
Both King5 and Komo showed up today for lengthy interviews. Think we are going to have quite a crowd tomorrow.
A gaggle of painter showed up today to get it all done! Sabrina, Cyndy, Adrienne, Bennett, Lukas and Bill all slung paint today.

I put my cracked and sore hands on the decals today. Cramped up a number of times, once right in the middle of an interview question.

Haley’s potions look completely magical.

Diagon Alley Project – Day 16
I stared the day by applying 5 bandaids to my cracked and sore hands, then took a couple of Aleve to help ignore them.

My goal today is to get all this painted and up…

James showed up with the boys and were a huge help today. Along with Chris they put these things up high on the Ollivanders wall.

I managed to get the scissors done before help showed up.

Another long day today and even more help! I love my circle of friends, I love my community, this is an amazing outpouring of help and support.
Bill with more junk from his backyard that was perfect!

He got to finishing up the roof lines today as well.

Michael and Zoe were back and brought their friend Preston. Together they rocked more bricks and we ended up getting it all painted. The kids that showed up painted all the bricks after the base paint was on.

Q13 Fox crew showed up today to shoot and interview. Avery loved it but Haley and Jennifer not so much.

Yesterday April Parrish went home and said she was making all the vinyl lettering for the shops that I was planning on hand painting today. Thank goodness she took over because I wouldn’t have got them done, no way no how. Her and her family showed up late with a box full of goodies and they are freaking perfect!

I capped the day off by getting back to some of the 3d printed effects. I can’t wait to put up the Golden Snitch, it turned out perfect! The wings are 3d printed in NinjaFlex so they are flexible and will flap in the wind a bit.