Diagon Alley Project – Day 13

I have been posting pictures of our little projects progress on social media, and now the list of volunteers is growing.

Adrienne Berman came by excited to get started on a little project we talked about earlier in the week. John Helman cut a bunch of bricks for the project last week and now they are going up!

Adrienne making bricks.
Lots of work, but going to be worth it!

Cyndy Eng-Dinsel and my neighbor Richard came by to help. Together they slapped a lot of paint on Ollivanders today.

Cyndy is ready to paint up high.
Richard ready to paint like the flash.
Ollivanders has paint!

Mike Walker stopped by today and delivered the first sign bracket. Holy cow these are awesome!

Metal brackets by Mike.

I managed to get a couple things done today on the list, Magical Menagerie received all its trim and I slapped together the upper windows for Ollivanders.

Magical Menagerie trim.
Ollivanders windows waiting to be put up.

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