Diagon Alley Project – Day 10

Today was a great day and the weather is supposed to be amazing all week, so excited. I was able to put up the Ollivanders door and trim it out. I completed a lot of the trim on the Ollivanders turrets.

This old door that was on its way to the dump was saved!
The Ollivanders door and turret trim is up.

I found a really cool Hogwarts crest on Thingiverse, printed it, painted it and got it up on Quality Quittich Supplies.

The Hogwarts crest above Quality Quittch Supplies.

I have been saving all the scrap pieces of 2×3’s and 2×4’s to use on the brick wall entrance. I slapped some on today.

The opening is starting to look like bricks.

I received and email today from Kurt Schlosser over at Geekwire and he is interested in writing up a piece on this project, how exciting!

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